Xhelion Lika
ENG 21001
Prof: Miciah Hussey
Cover letter
Dear Prof. Hussey,
I really enjoyed writing about one of my stories and actually sharing it with other people too. I think it’s a relief when people talk about things that they have experienced in their past. It feels good to write about how something that I never expected to happen, actually changed the way that I behave and how I see things. The first draft that I had was actually a bit different. I wasn’t really specific and I was talking more about what happened rather than how I was feeling about it. Peer review actually helped me a lot, because my classmates told me where to focus and which moments in the story seemed more interesting. I struggled with putting my emotions into words. I’m not really used to expressing my emotions, so this was definitely challenging for me and I hope that I did a good job. Also, I mentioned my father in the story and I had to talk about what he was feeling too. Overall, the topic was very interesting and I couldn’t wait to write about my crazy story.
Xhelion Lika